Monday, February 8, 2010

A New Project for Me

My dialog with Harlan Quinn through QuIRP and the Logan Cres blog has turned into a new blog. It is a collaboration between us on the logical structure of the atonement. This will serve as an educational resource for things related to the atonement. It is not intended to be a debate blog, but comments and thoughts are strongly encouraged. We are interested in seeing some stimulating dialogue on the atonement! I am happy to be able to participate in this kind of dialog between a Christian and an atheist.

I have already posted two fairly substantial posts related to the issues of sin and law. You can view them here:

Sin and Community

Jesus and the Law

I don't want to post redundant content here and there, but these posts contain some thoughts that I think are important to the atonement and to gaining a better understanding of the Bible and Christianity in general, so I wanted to make links to them available here. A permanent link to Logan Atone is now available on the side, so feel free to check it out and see what is going on over there.


  1. Why not have redundant content? I say "why work twice as hard?", if it fits here and there, post it in both places. Overlap is normal, think "venn diagram"....

  2. I'm more concerned about not making this blog overwhelmingly atonement-oriented by posting entry after entry on it. I of course reserve the right to post redundant content if I am exceptionally pleased with something I have written:-P
